English Version Here
Windows 8系統 (如何開啟控制台)
- 移動滑鼠至畫面最右方,喚出系統選單。
- 在設定上按一下>然後按控制台。
- 在Window 圖示上按滑鼠右鍵也可以找到控制台選項。
Windows 10系統 (如何開啟控制台]
- 網路和網際網路 > 網路和共用中心
- 點擊 設定新的連線或網路
- 手動連接到無線網路
- 下一步
- 輸入網路名額,選擇安全性類型為
- 當你位於港專校社,輸入ctWifi於網路名稱欄(需英文大小寫完全符合).
- 或 當你位於CSL WiFi 熱點時,輸入Universities via CSL 於網路名稱欄(需英文大小寫完全符合,請留意空白也需輸入)
- 在安全性類型欄位選擇 WPA2-Enterprise。確保加密類型為AES。
- 下一步
- 變更連線設定
- 選擇安全性頁面
- 網路驗證方法請選擇Protected EAP (PEAP)
- 不要勾選 每次登入時都記住我在此連線的認證
- 按右邊的設定
- 不要勾選 透過驗證憑證來確認伺服器身分識別
- 選擇驗證方法 Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP V2)
- 按設定
- 不要勾選 Automatically use my Windows login name and password (and domain if any).
- 按OK然後按確定
- 按下 進階設定.
- 勾選 指定驗證模式 ,選擇 使用者驗證 ,然後按確定。
- 按下右下角的WiFi 圖示然後選擇 “ctWifi” 或 “Universities via CSL”
- 按下連線
- 輸入你的登入名稱及密碼(SSO的預設密碼)
請注意:登入ctWifi的密碼是"你的證件編號首六個數字 + @CT",並非你更改後的SSO密碼。
- 按下確定
- 完成
Wifi setup manual for Windows
Click to watch the details information!
For Windows 8 (How to go to Control Panel)
- Move the mouse cursor to the top right corner of the screen to reveal the Charms Menu. Click Settings > Control Panel.
- Right click Windows Logo on Start Bar will see the menu, then click Control Panel
For Windows 10 (How to go to Control Panel)]
- Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center
- Click Set up a new connection or network
- Manually connect to a wireless network
- Next
- Type in Network name, select Security type and Encryption type as
- While you are at CT Campus, type in ctWifi in the Network name field ("ctWifi" is case-sensitive. Don't just type all letters in lower case or upper case).
- Or While you are at CSL WiFi hotspot, type in Universities via CSL in the Network name field ("Universities via CSL" is case-sensitive. Don't just type all letters in lower case or upper case).
- Select WPA2-Enterprise from the Security type drop-down menu. Select AES from Encryption type drop-down men
- Click Nextx
- Un-check all boxes under the Connection tab. Then click the Security the Security tabClick Change connection settings
- Under the Security tab, Select Protected EAP (PEAP) from the Choose a network authentication method drop- down menu. Click the button Settings
- In the Protected EAP Properties window, Un-Check Verify the server's identity by validating server certificate. Select Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP V2) from Select Authentication Method drop down menu. Click Configure...
- Un-check Automatically use my Windows login name and password (and domain if any).
- Then click OK twice to go back to Security tab, Click the button Advanced Settings.
- In Advanced settings, Check Specify authentication mode, select User Click OK twice to close all the popup Windows, then click close to finish.
- Click the Wifi logo in Start bar and click “ctWifi” or “Universities via CSL”
- Click Connect
- Input your Identity and SSO default Password.
- Click OK to join
- You should now see “ctWifi” / “Universities via CSL” as your selected
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