English Version Here
下表為可用的 SSID 及簡介
馬鞍山 何文田 |
- 持有效SSO帳號的學生 - 職員 |
ctWifi |
開源道 |
- 學生 - 職員 |
ctStudent |
校舍 | 用戶群組 | SSID | 備註及連接方式 |
馬鞍山 何文田 |
- 已畢業學生 |
ctGuest |
馬鞍山 |
- 預先登記的來賓 |
ctGuest-Auth |
- 請勿使將你的設備處於無人看管的狀態,並在不使用時關閉無線網絡連接;
- 不要同時啟用無線和有線網絡卡;
- 請勿連接到不確定或陌生的無線網絡,當發現可疑活動時,即關閉連接;
- 使用無線網絡服務時,請勿發送敏感/個人信息;
- 採用虛擬專用網(VPN)技術來增強點對點的傳輸保護;
- 安裝並啟用個人防火牆,防病毒和反間諜軟件,並保持更新;
- 關閉對等/臨時模式網絡連接,禁用資源共享,關閉VPN上的分組通道;
- 使用公共無線網絡服務時刪除您的首選網絡列表;
- 確保使無線設備上安裝的安全補丁和無線網絡卡驅動程序保持最新,並定期備份數據;
- 啟用無線網絡設備的開機自動登入,系統的身份驗證和屏幕保護程序的密碼保護的;
- 使用公共無線網絡服務時,透過檢查網站證書來驗證服務提供者的真實性;
- 在訪問公共無線網絡服務時,設備上的敏感數據應加密存儲。
Introduction of Campus WiFi Service(English Version)
Available SSID and WiFi Services
- Student (SSO User) - Staff |
ctWifi |
HY JD CSW Yuen Long |
- Student - Staff |
ctStudent |
Campus | Target User | SSID | Remarks & Connection Method |
- Alumni |
ctGuest |
- Pre-registered visitor |
ctGuest-Auth |
Best practices for accessing WiFi Service
You are encouraged to follow the best practice below when accessing the a WiFi service:
- do not leave the wireless device unattended and disable wireless connection when it is not in use;
- do not enable both wireless and wired network interface card at the same time;
- do not connect to uncertain/strange network and disconnect from accessing network when suspicious activities observed;
- do not send sensitive / personal information when using WiFi service;
- employ Virtual Private Network (VPN) technologies for enhanced end-to-end transmission protection;
- install and enable personal firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware software and keep the associated definition files and security patches up-to-date;
- turn off peer-to-peer / ad-hoc mode networking, disable resource sharing, shut down split tunnels on VPNs, and configure the personal firewalls to prevent exposure of client ports;
- remove your preferred network list when using public WiFi service;
- do keep security patches and wireless network interface card drivers installed on the wireless device up-to-date as well as back up data regularly;
- enable the wireless device's power-on login, system login authentication, and password-protected screen saver;
- check the authenticity of captive portal by verifying the certificate of the website when accessing a public WiFi service;
- encrypt sensitive data stored on the device accessing public WiFi service.
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